Getting your mobile home ready for the summertime

Getting your mobile home ready for the summertime requires some time and commitment. With summer just about in full swing, there are some mobile home-related things you’ll need to be thinking about. Every four months or so, you should conduct your own seasonal inspection of your home as each one will bring its own unique challenges to prepare for and ‘mess’ to clean up.

The summertime is no different and that’s the topic of today’s blog. Today, we’re going to go over a simple summer checklist for your mobile home – what to look for, what needs doing and how to address any potentially difficult situations. Let’s jump right in!

Keeping things cool

Of course if it’s summertime, it means that you’ll be spending lots of time trying to beat the heat! As such, your Air Conditioning will be a big part of that and while we’d like to trust that it’s going to be working like it should, it’s better to make sure it’s good to go before something happens. Nothing is worse than not having AC when you need it most.

This is a good time to make sure your air ducts and vents are cleaned out. For one, this will improve airflow and AC efficiency, but even more important than that, it will ensure that the air is clean. Bad stuff tends to get into your vents and can quickly be spread around a small area like a mobile home – so make sure these are cleaned.

Additionally, check your thermostat and if it’s possible – invest in a digital one. That way you’ll be able to control your home’s air at your leisure. Not only will it ensure that your system will run more consistently and efficiently, but doing so will also enable you to save a lot of money in the process.

Check for leaks

‘Leaks’ for the purpose of this blog is kind of an ambiguous term. We’re not just talking about leaks in terms of water, we’re also talking about air leaks. Because the summer is dry, it’s usually a good time to not only check on these things – but get them repaired if need be.

Make sure you do a kitchen walkthrough. The kitchen is the heartbeat of every home and as such – it’ll get a lot of traffic and use. Inspect your pipes to make sure there aren’t leaks and make sure your oven and stove lines are secure and in good working order. You’ll want to do the same thing in the bathroom as well.

Next, you’ll want to make sure you check your windows. While letting fresh air in is almost always a good thing, sometimes you’ll want to keep them sealed and shut in order to retain cool air. Also, be sure to check your window screens. Summer time is bug season, especially down here in Florida, so be sure your screens are in good, working order.

Finally, you’ll want to hit the roof. Especially in areas like ours – summer rain can be torrential and the last thing you’ll want to be doing is dealing with leaks. If you have any roof-related issues, the summer is always the best time of year to tackle them.


The last thing you’ll want to do is simply enjoy your summer! The sun’s out, the weather is beautiful and it’s a time of year filled with family, friends and memories. Getting your mobile home ready for the summertime is important and doesn’t need to take too much time. Good luck and we’ll see you back here next month!