When it comes time to sell your home, it’s important to make sure that it looks its very best including the siding. While everyone usually focuses on the interior of their home, it’s really the exterior that’s going to get you the most looks.
One of the most overlooked aspects is not the lawn, the garage or landscaping – it’s the actual siding itself. Today, we’re going to tell you a little bit about how new siding can make your new home really sing when it comes time to lure potential buyers to your home. Let’s jump right in!
Boosting your curb appeal
Like we just said, while cleaning the inside of your home is what most homeowners focus on, it’s the exterior of your home that’s going to attract buyers. What they see from the streets, what they see in magazines and online – that’s going to be the outside of your home.
If your siding is dirty, cleaning it can help restore the visual appeal. If it’s not however, you might want to explore adding new siding to your home. If the marketing photos look ugly, dirty or in disrepair, then it could adversely impact both the appeal and overall value of your home.
Higher market appraisals
When you go to sell your home, it’ll get appraised – or a price will be set. Siding and appearance are a huge factor in terms of dictating what they feel is the overall, true value of the home. If siding is damaged or needs to be replaced – it will significantly impact the overall value of your home and potentially cost you money. So the appearance of your siding comes down to much more than just aesthetic, marketing appeal.
Help on the backend of the sale
Another important reason that siding can impact your home’s sale is that faulty siding can derail a sale once a purchase agreement has been signed. How? By causing it to fail a housing inspection. There could be a number of problems underneath your siding or problems being exacerbated by it. Things like leaks, mold and other damage can cause homes to fail a home inspection and deep-six your sale right before your eyes.
Even if you’re not planning on selling your home, be aware that adding new siding can protect any possible future transaction and add value to your home. If you’re interested in this as an improvement for your mobile home, give us a call today and we’ll give you a free consultation. Until then, good luck!