Choosing a Tampa window contractor: the four factors

Finding the right Tampa window contractor can be a heavy task if you don’t know what to look for. Windows are an incredibly important home renovation to your home and as such, you’ll need to make sure you really do your homework when it comes to choosing who it is that you’re going to have do the work for you.

And let’s be frank – not all Tampa window contractors are created equal. For some, the process can be a little bit overwhelming. Today, we’re going to talk about a few of the key factors that you’ll need to take into consideration when deciding who to work with. Let’s jump right in!

Relevant experience

People often don’t understand that window contractors come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some specialize in residential windows, some specialize in commercial work and others in hurricane and more industrial sheets of glass. Make sure that whomever you’re deciding to go with – is the kind of window contractor who’ll do the best job for your unique situation.


It isn’t so much what the certifications are, but rather what they say – and that you’re working with someone who knows what they’re doing. It means they’re qualified to do the job that you’re asking them to do. In addition – certain manufacturers will certify certain contractors and not others – because certain contractors specialize in their brands. Pay attention to these and don’t be afraid to ask any prospective contractor to share them with you. 


Any contractor that runs a legitimate business will play by the rules and adhere to state and local laws and regulations by making sure they have the proper licenses. These licenses exist for a reason and the biggest one being to protect you, the consumer, so that codes are followed and contractors are providing the service they promise.


Any professional who stops learning is not a professional. As such, be sure to ask contractors what training they’ve been a part of, what installation practices they know and what kind of seminars and manufacturers certifications they have. In addition – lots has changed in the world in just the last ten years alone. Make sure your contractor is up to date on the latest window innovations and techniques. 

Don’t trust just any Tampa window contractor for your next window replacement. Getting windows installed is a significant investment and improvement to make and you need to make sure you have the right people on the job. If you’d like help on your next project, we’d be happy to offer you a free consultation. Until then, good luck!