What to do before planning a mobile home addition

Mobile home addition guide

Planning for any mobile home addition project can be stressful. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the weeds and forget the basics – so today’s post is going to be about, well – getting back to basics. 

Here are a few of the basic things you should do if you’re planing on a home improvement project up front so that the process goes as smoothly as possible. Let’s jump right in. 

Get your permits and legalize in order

There are very few significant home improvement projects that don’t require you to pull some sort of permit. Make sure you have the core legal documents you’ll need – plot plan of your property, having a handle on zoning ordinances and restrictions and the like. Usually your local registry of deeds should have all this information. 

Furthermore if you’re talking to any contractor whatsoever – they need to be above board and be doing things by the book. Ask them about their permitting process – sometimes they can do the leg work for you. Any contractor who thinks this stuff isn’t a big deal, is someone who you shouldn’t do business with. 

Budget realistically and upfront

Home improvement projects are always more expensive than you think they’ll be. Before you see any spec work, designs, plans, whatever- put together a budget you’re comfortable with. The worst thing you can do is sell yourself into something you can’t afford and run the risk of stretching yourself too thin. Make sure you factor in hard costs, consider contingency plans for mistakes and other unexpected mistakes and then of course – the hidden costs. Things like the increase in property taxes, any utility expense hit you might take on and then of course – insurance. 

Then from there, your job is to stick to it. Like a pitbull. If you see a serious, real possibility you’ll be stretched past your financial means – don’t do it. Walk away. 

Be honest with yourself

Is this something your home NEEDS to have? Is it just something you want? Is it realistic? What are the things you feel like you must have versus the things you’d just like to have? Ask yourself honest questions about what you’re hoping to accomplish out of all of this. What’s your pain threshold? How long are you willing to disrupt your life to get his project done? Don’t forget – even the smallest projects can last longer than you think they could. 

What we’re saying is – don’t make hasty decisions on a whim and impulse. Weigh it all out, because it’s going to be all out once you start to move the train down the tracks. 

We’re big fans of pre-planning but sometimes people get a little too into the weeds and they forget the why of what they’re doing and sometimes  that return to basics is just what you need. So hopefully you found today’s blog helpful. If you’re in the Tampa area and are looking to put an addition onto your mobile home, give us a call today! Until then – good luck!